Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Talk About Happiness : What is Happiness?

Sometimes, i’m wondering about what is exactly we’re searching for in our short life… Is it money? is it power? is it love? No, I think it’s not… I think we are all looking for happiness…

With money people think they could buy happiness…

With power people think they can protect their happiness…

With love people think that they have finally found happiness…

But what is the truly meaning of happiness? They said that happiness can be found in many ways… Even the smallest happiness can be found in the smallest thing we do in our daily life, such breathing… isn’t it?

I’ve been told that happiness is a peace in mind and heart. When your mind and heart can find peace you can find happiness. Do you think that is true? Please be honest for your self.

Having a family is the happiness that God gives to us since we were born. We are feeling peace since there’re family who will protecting and watching us while we’re learning to survive.

Then we’ll have friends. Deep down inside we’ll have another peace that there’re friends who will listen to our stories, who will share every joy and sadness.

When we have grown… there’re more complicated ways to reach our happiness… we’re looking for money, power, and love. We’re dreaming and aiming. Then we’ll forget the truly happiness is.

There are problems, troubles, obstacles… Then we believe our ego, we follow our selfishness, we’re afraid of losing while we are completely losing our happiness… there’s no more peace in our mind and heart. We forget where to find our happiness so we’ll take every happiness we think we could got.

For some people who blessed they will not forget where to find their happiness. Even though, sometimes they have to fight for their happiness.

For me the truly happiness can not be found in everything but my self. It’s the way my mind think and the way my heart feel.

Even in the saddest thing there’s happiness if we could think and we could feel. But often we just forget…

p.s do you remember where to find your happiness? have you got your happiness? will you fight for it?


  1. oh my god seira you have really hit it on the nail. i am saying to my mom exactly this that happiness is peace of mind.
    I have been reading spiritual books and lectures by gurus and came to exactly the same conclusion as you have written here. Really I just teared up just now reading what you have written here. It was as if i read my own thoughts. I guess you must also spend time thinking about life.
    One of my uncles said that we are after happiness in life then I started searching for it. I finally concluded that its peace of mind. I have a feeling we are similar thinking persons.
    I am a member of language hangouts saw that you are learning korean and japanese. I came across your post on your profile.It was a pleasure reading. Hope we can learn it better.
    Take care seira. You wrote it wonderfully. Looking forward to share ideas with you. Byee

    1. oh i'm glad to have your comment as well. And it's just sometimes i have a lot of to think. I'm sure that everybody want to be happy but don't know how. Well, i'm just saying.
      And it's also my pleasure to share ideas with you. Thank you Siva.

    2. I have read your posts on your dreams. It was a lot of ideas. By the way is English your first language.

    3. lol. my english is not good enough to be my first language though. i write english a lot but rarely spoken english actually.


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