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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tips : cara-anti-mainstream mengeluarkan benda asing dari kulit

Hello readers,
Beberapa hari yang lalu sebuah benda asing putih masuk ke dalam kulit telapak kakiku yang rentan (haha lebay). Padahal diriku sudah pakai sepatu pentopel. Apalah gunanya sepatu kalau bukan untuk menamengi kakiku dari aspal dan ancaman benda berbahaya lainnya??
Yah tapi apa mau dikata, benda asing itu sudah ditakdirkan masuk ke dalam tubuhku.

Awalnya kupikir sudah kukeluarkan sampai ke akar-akarnya saat pertama kurasakan dia menusuk, tapi ternyata beberapa jam kemudian... diriku sadar bahwa aku telah melakukan kesalahan. Benda itu masih ada di sana. Tempat dimana aku melihatnya terakhir kali, hanya saja ia lebih kecil. Awalnya kupikir itu hanya kulitku yang terkelupas. Tapi setelah kulihat dengan mata super, benda itu masih tersisa di sana.

Awalnya kucoba untuk mencabut paksa tapi ternyata terlalu menyakitkan...

Akhirnya aku tanya mbah google dan menemukan beberapa cara yang sebagian kupraktekan.
Berikut cara-anti-mainstream-ku mengeluarkan benda asing dari kulit :
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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

My Review of Jonathan Stroud : Streaming Staircase

Luckily I just read this novel, Screaming staircase, that is in original translate – English. Even though I’m not pretty good reading novel in English but because this one sounds more interesting – Stroud is one of my favorite authors – I couldn't stand to wait the translation.
Okay, let’s start. By the beginning of part one “Ghost” it was already deathly appear of some ghost Type Two young lady who eventually have murdered and burned inside the wall of her house for around fifty years. Anna Ward that’s her name.

Anna was extremely dangerous type two. She almost killed both Lucy and Lockwood, the agent of Lockwood & Co. Lockwood had his Ghost-Touch and Lucy had completely serious injury that involved her hand. And. They also succeeded burning the house. That’s what made the client really upset and claim sixty thousand pound in return as compensation. That’s also the trigger for the full-of-deathly-way of fixing the problem so that the Lockwood & Co. wouldn’t be shut down.
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最近 私はずっと怖い思いが考えて。
分からないけど もう私ずっと我慢して。隠れて。
怖くて 怖くて 誰も聞いてないから。
怖くて 怖くて 誰に伝えたいから。

うちもずっと 怖くて 怖くて 誰も見てみる。
お母さんが 知らなくて 忙しい。
お父さんも 気にらなくて 分かってない。
兄弟なんて もう 結構です。
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いつも 雨が 降る。いつも 雨を 見て。


雨と 話できるなら 何を 伝えますか?

今までも 私 いつも 一人で 頑張ります。誰かの 私の気持ちを 分かってる って ずっと そう 思います。

さびしいな 想いが いつまでも 心の中に 教えてくれた。

寒い風も ささやく する。

怖いって 怖いって 私 の目がいつも 言える。
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The Gloomy

After through every nightmare experience about life. . One life would be stronger. . Stronger to hate every existence close to her. Always being afraid if it might be happened again.

She cries without a sound every sadness she goes through.
She waves to anybody in the shadows to get a hope of a little sunshine
She scream in silence when no body even want to get close to this gloomy existence.

Now i don't want to pity my self again. Don't wanna afraid of left behind. Don't wanna stay in this darkest side forever.

I don't need hope of a prince's salvation
So far i do this alone
So far i fight this war alone
Why do i still dreaming of fairly tale?

Now, the sun bright from the east. I do what i need to do. I fight what i need to accomplish. Then i'll rest my mind for a while to see if i could reach the cloud above and make it my move to be one of the stars that shines so bright every night and day. Never lose faith. More bright and bright till the end of it's life.
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ホントはね - 奥村初音



いつの間にか私は 嘘つきになった
 「君は強いね」と あなたは言うけれど
書きかけのメール 言えない本音

期待 理想 押し付けて
白か 黒か 分からない
曖昧で 意地悪な 現実の世界
いつの間にか 私は嘘つきになった
いつの間にか 笑顔も忘れてた
一人きり 彷徨いながら
本当はね 強がってるの

何をするために ここにいるんだっけ
気がつけば 今日も 消えてく私

計さ 理屈 大嫌い
ありきたりの言葉 いらないのに
 敵か 見方か 分からない
やさしくて 意地悪な 現実世界

傷つくのが怖くて 嘘つきになった 
胸がきしむ 音にさえも
気ずかなくて 泣くことも忘れてた
傷みとか 隠しながら
交差点 歩いている


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My Review : Vampire Academy

Hi... Whoever accidentally read this ... :)

I was just read these amazing books authored by Richelle Mead titled Vampire Academy.

It's so awesome. How Rose fight for ones who she is loved the most. For her best friend Lissa. And for the one she is involved with... Belikov...

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This Game is held for every 50 years. This old game have been exist for a quite long time ago. They said that this game created by a sorcerer named, Morfin who was once a great wizard beside Merlin.
This game is about a letter. But not only a common letter. This letter has some magic spell which will be activated when anybody who has a sorcerer blood or any magic power touch it. What spell? Destroying Spell. In other word only a human can touch it without destroying it.
This letter contain some spell also who makes the winner can achieve a crystal ball. This crystal can make one dream come true. But just one.
This crystal can be activated by the one who cant touch the letter, a sorcerer. So, this about grouping a sorcerer or more and a human or more to have one purposed and one ambition in order to achieve it. There is no limited number of people. You can grouping as much as you want, If you could.
So, the core of this game is those sorcerer must protect the human from another group who will be their opposite as well as they can. If one of the race lose, they automatically can't continued the game. Every method is allowed. They will be given three chances to live. And killing is mean suicide.
What a game, right?

To be Continue___
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Ghost story

This is my first ghost story.
Source : my dream

There's a kid, little girl cold sara, she just moved to a village which full of huge stone all the way. And there's this one stone. She dream alot about that stone. And the next day she met her first friend, Rama. They played quiet often. One day he asked her to go out with her at the stones place called wood stone. He led the way. . . then they arrive at a corner which
rounded by very huge stone. "Why are we here?" Asked sara.
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